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Proudly Serving Illinois and Libertyville area

Libertyville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Being hit on a motorcycle is a terrifying experience and we can help you get yourself and your bike on the road to recovery. At the Law Offices of John M. Borcia, we have over 50 years of combined experience helping seriously injured motorcyclists and other Illinois personal injury clients get the maximum recovery for their damages. We know you have a lot of questions, we are here to answer them.

Injured in Illinois in a Motorcycle Accident?

The thrill of a ride on a motorcycle is often unparalleled. Those who ride with a passion know that there are few things as exhilarating as being out on Illinois roadways. Call Now for Help! (847) 650-0652.

However, motorcycling can become dangerous particularly because when a motorcycle collides with another vehicle, it is often the motorcyclist who suffers catastrophic or fatal injuries. This is because motorcyclists have little protection and are absolutely vulnerable as they are exposed to the elements. When a motorcycle accident is caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of another, the injured victim can seek compensation for his or her injuries damages and losses.

Contact Us

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident and would like to pursue legal action against a negligent driver, consult the motorcycle accident lawyers at The Law Offices of John Borcia today for a FREE case evaluation. Evening and week-end appointments available. Home and hospital visits available upon request. We handle most cases on a contingent fee basis, meaning we only get paid if you do. Most lawsuits have a limited time frame in which you can file before you waive your rights to seek possible compensation, so it’s important to act quickly.


Contact Us For a Free Consultation

The Law Offices of John M. Borcia
1117 S. Milwaukee Avenue, Suite A-3
Libertyville, IL  60048

Telephone: (847) 650-0652
Fax: (847) 566-6647
Email: [email protected]

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