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Libertyville Wrongful Death Lawyer

Libertyville Wrongful Death Law Firm

If you have a loved one that was recently involved in an accident that claimed their life in the Libertyville area, the time to take legal action is now! Do not delay – call the Libertyville Law Offices of John Borcia today at (630) 302-4352 to discuss your options in a free, no obligation consultation. Our Libertyville wrongful death lawyers understand the pain you are experiencing and are here to help, but you must act quickly to preserve your case. Successful wrongful death suits are built on expertise and dedicated research – which takes time. The sooner you call, the sooner we can act on your behalf. The Law Offices Of John Borcia has helped countless families throughout the Chicago area obtain the justice and financial support they require. Let us do the same for you! Call now.

Should I File a Wrongful Death Claim in the Lake County area?

In order to qualify as a wrongful death, a person’s fatal injuries or illness must meet certain requirements, such as:

  • The person or organization accused of being at fault must have at least partially caused the death.
  • The cause must have been the result of negligence or recklessness by the at-fault party.
  • A surviving loved one must bring the claim.
  • The death caused financial losses.

Not everyone can file a lawsuit for the wrongful death of a person. Under Illinois law, only the deceased’s surviving spouse, domestic partner, or children can file a claim. If none of these people exist, the person’s parents, siblings, nieces or nephews, grandparents, and other relatives are then able to file a claim. While you may have to prove your relationship in order to file a claim, this is easily done through birth certificates, marriage licenses, and other records.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Illinois?

Keep in mind that wrongful death lawsuits in Illinois are subjected to a statute of limitations. In Illinois, a wrongful death lawsuit must be filed within the time limit set by the “statute of limitations” for the underlying type of case, or within one year of the date of the deceased person’s death, “whichever date is the later,” according to 735 ILCS5/13-209.

What Damages Can I Recover in a Wrongful Death Suit?

The emotional healing process after the death of a loved one is different for every person and nothing can speed it up. However, heavy financial and emotional burdens can surely slow it down.

Thankfully, wrongful death claims can ask for compensation for the many different losses that result from these tragic incidents. Financial compensation can be sought to pay for:

  • Medical costs for procedures performed on eventually-fatal injuries or illnesses.
  • All expenses associated with funeral and burial of the deceased.
  • Lost wages and benefits that would have been earned by the deceased, based on his or her job at the time of the incident.
  • Grief and loss of companionship experienced by loved ones.

Additionally, if the at-fault party violated laws or caused the death by acting extremely recklessly, punitive damages may also be levied against him or her. Payments for these fines go to the survivors.

By proving both that the at-fault party was responsible for the incident and that the losses you are claiming are legitimate, you can receive fair and full compensation that will lift these heavy burdens off of you and your family. Call a Libertyville wrongful death lawyer today to talk more about your case.


Contact Us For a Free Consultation

The Law Offices of John M. Borcia
1117 S. Milwaukee Avenue, Suite A-3
Libertyville, IL  60048 (Lake County)

Telephone: (630) 302-4352
Fax: (847) 566-6647
Email: [email protected]

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