Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Libertyville
Medical Malpractice cases in Illinois are very complex, expensive to pursue, and often involve an “emotional” element due to the client’s personal involvement. These cases are vigorously defended by insurance companies since, under most policies, the medical provider must approve any settlement. Doctors are frequently hesitant to settle due to the potential negative impact on their reputation and practice. That’s why working with an experienced Illinois medical malpractice lawyer is crucial to securing the justice you deserve.
To file a medical malpractice lawsuit in Illinois, a sworn statement from a qualified medical expert is required. This statement must confirm that “with reasonable medical certainty, the action or inaction of the defendant was the cause of damage to the plaintiff.” An experienced medical malpractice lawyer Libertyville residents trust can help guide you through this process.
Do You Have a Valid Medical Malpractice Claim?
To determine if your medical malpractice case has merit, ask yourself the following questions:
- Have you been informed by another doctor or health care provider that the treatment received was inappropriate or that the outcome was unusual?
- Have you suffered a severe or permanent injury while under the care of a doctor, hospital or other health care provider? If so, was the injury more severe or devastating than you expected from the original diagnosis or trauma?
- Have you undergone an optional surgical procedure without signing an informed consent form?
- Has your insurance company questioned the appropriateness of specific procedures, tests or diagnoses?
- Has your doctor or health care provider seemed hesitant to inform you of the status of your medical condition?
- Do you have strong doubts about the competency of a doctor or the appropriateness of the care you received?
- Do you have concerns that a medical device or implant may have seriously affected your health?
If any of these situations apply to you, consulting with an Illinois medical malpractice lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and options.
Our office offers free consultations. Evening and week-end appointments available. Home and hospital visits available upon request. Ne fees unless you win.
Contact Us For a Free Consultation
The Law Offices of John M. Borcia
1117 S. Milwaukee Avenue, Suite A-3
Libertyville, IL 60048
Telephone: (630) 302-4352
Fax: (847) 566-6647
Email: [email protected]